The Story of Anuj Vaishanav
Inspiration: Warren Buffett. Not because he is one of the world’s richest man but because he does it out of his love for business and investment without caring about spending it all on material things. Given how he still buys his breakfast ranging from $3 to $10 depending on the stock market status of the day, on his way to the office, is something which really inspires me. The strong morals and simplicity of life, no matter the circumstances is what I have learned from him.
I came down from India when I was 17 with all the starry eyes for making cool gadgets which allow one to interact with the virtual world. However, when I began my undergraduate studies turned out I was even more fascinated by the unconventional computer architecture. Thinking about new ways to compute lead to many different projects until I stumbled upon FPGAs during my final year project. From there, my own curiosity took its part and the journey of PhD began to the discovery of new and fancy ways to allow people to have their own custom compute devices.
Throughout all of this Manchester has been my home. This is where I made friends and found my identity.