

Religion and Theology Religions and Theology site Fruitcake cake danish oat cake powder jujubes caramels chupa chups jelly beans. Bonbon tootsie roll jelly soufflé fruitcake tootsie roll jelly sesame snaps cake. Gingerbread cotton candy oat cake jelly-o candy apple...

BBC Radio 4

Religion and Theology Religions and Theology site Professor Peter Scott contributed to Radio 4’s Beyond Belief programme, discussing Passover. The episode was broadcast on 15 April 2019 and will be available on BBC Sounds/iPlayer or the BBC website following...

New publication

Religion and Theology Religions and Theology site Dead Sea Scrolls. George Brooke, ‘Textual Plurality in the Pesharim’ in Revue de Qumrân 30/2 (2018), 143-157. Further information. ← Previous Next → Related Recent Posts Blog has moved Training...

Student essay prize

Religion and Theology Religions and Theology site Feminism and religion? The Feminist and Women’s Studies Association is offering a prize for the best student essay “which is innovative, interdisciplinary, and grounded in feminist theory and...

BBC Radio 4

Religion and Theology Religions and Theology site Femininity and religion. Dr Holly Morse (Manchester) contributed to an episode of Radio 4’s ‘Beyond Belief’ on femininity and religion, broadcast on 8 April 2019 at 4.30pm.   Listen again. ←...