News, activities and reflections on religion
Research seminar
Biblical Studies. Dr Katie Edwards (Sheffield), ‘Bad Romance? Representations of David and Bathsheba in Popular Culture and the Erasure of Sexual Violence'. The Ehrhardt seminar, Centre for Biblical Studies. Date: 2pm on 28 February 2019. Venue: 2.219 University...
Religion and the environment. The European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment in association with the Lincoln Theological Institute is pleased to announce its sixth international conference on the topic of 'Religion, Materialism and Ecology.' To be...
PhD studentship: Public Theology
Doctoral studentship. As part of its partnership with Manchester Cathedral, the Lincoln Theological Institute is pleased to announce a fully funded PhD studentship on 'Evaluating the theology of public engagement at Manchester Cathedral'.Further information. Related...
Call for papers, international colloqium
Sacred texts. This colloquium will draw together established scholars and PhD students to make progress on understanding methods for tackling issues surrounding sacred texts of Christianity and Judaism. 10am on Thursday 2 May 2019 (Chester) - 3.30pm on Friday 3 May...
New publication
Christian Theology. Peter Manley Scott, A Theology of Postnatural Right (Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2019). Further information. Related Contact Us +44 (0) 161 306 6000 Find Us The University of ManchesterOxford RdManchesterM13 9PLUK Connect With...
New publication
Biblical Studies. Adrian Curtis, ‘Baal-berith and El-berith: some Issues Arising from Judges 8 and 9’ in George J. Brooke, Adrian H.W. Curtis, Muntasir al-Hamad and G. Rex Smith (eds), Near Eastern and Arabian Essays: Studies in Honour of John F. Healey (Journal of...
BBC ideas
Will we worship artificial intelligence in the future? Robots would make terrible gods, argues Elizabeth Oldfield from Christian think tank Theos.Further information. Related Contact Us +44 (0) 161 306 6000 Find Us The University of...
Scriptural encounters
Reading challenging sacred texts. Scriptural encounters bring together different faiths to debate and discuss controversial topics. The second meeting of 2019 will be led by Philip Alexander and Caroline Wickens on the story of 'the Binding/Sacrifice of Isaac/Ishmael...
Summer School, Katz Center and Hebrew University
Jews and science. Daniel Langton will teach on 'Judaic Engagement with Scientific Evidence and Truth' at the Katz Center & Hebrew University's Advanced Summer School for Graduate Studies, which this year has the theme 'Secrets and Lies: Truth, Evidence, and...
Paper, New Europe College
Interfaith relations. Ion Popa presented a paper at New Europe College in Bucharest entitled: "Ecumenism, Politics and the Jews. Examining the August 1937 antisemitic declarations of Miron Cristea, the Romanian Orthodox Patriarch." 16 January 2019.Further information....
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