Tyenne (tocilizumab) – the new biosimilar on the block
What is Tyenne?
Tyenne is the first tocilizumab (interleukin-6) biosimilar that has recently been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis in adults. It is now starting to be prescribed in the UK and the BSRBR-RA will be registering people starting this new drug, as we have done for other biosimilars. It is really important that we monitor the use of this new drug in routine clinical care.
How can we find out more about the long-term safety and effectiveness of this therapy in everyday clinical practice?
Registering patients with RA who are starting treatment with Tyenne with the BSRBR-RA study ensures that important data are collected over a number of years. Data are collected frequently about how the participant is feeling, any changes to medication and if they have experienced any new illnesses or adverse events.
These data can then be analysed by the researchers to provide more information about how this therapy works for participants in the long-term.
How can we register participants with RA who are starting Tyenne?
All information needed to register patients with the BSRBR-RA study can be found on the website.
Participants can either be new to the study, or re-registered if they are already taking part.
Please contact the BSRBR-RA team with any questions.
Phone: 0161 275 1652
Email: biologics.register@manchester.ac.uk Â