Training Sessions at the BSRBR-RA

by | 14 Aug 2024 | Training | 0 comments

Lizzy Allerton

Lizzy Allerton, BSRBR-RA Project Administrator Team Leader


The increasing use of Microsoft Teams for video calling has been really useful for us on the BSRBR-RA study, as it has widened our ability to support our NHS sites and provide useful training.

We run three regular training sessions for our sites.


Overview Session

The first is an Overview session, which gives some background to the study, what data we collect and a database demo for a registration and a follow up. This session is perfect for someone completely new to the study.

What our sites say:

‘It definitely gives new users the information to be able to use the database confidently, as well as a clear introduction.’


Refresher Session

The second session that we run is a Refresher session. This is aimed towards people who are already familiar with the study, have used the database before and would just like a refresher demonstration of a registration and follow up.

What our sites say:

‘The step by step guidance through each database section was very good and the explanations about where to find further help and guidance online were also useful.’


Adverse Events Session

The third session that we run is the Adverse Event session. This is aimed at database users who provide follow up data for participants on the study. The session provides an overview of the importance and impact of adverse event data, provides definitions for adverse events and serious adverse events. There are also demos of how to input adverse events into the online system.

What our sites say:

‘This session was very helpful to provide a clearer understanding of adverse and serious adverse events. Using the scenarios in particular were very helpful, and being able to go through inputting the data onto the system was very useful.’

We love running these training sessions as we find it really helpful to talk to our database users and find out the different ways that sites run the study. We also appreciate feedback from sites about the database, and this has enabled us to make changes such as providing estimated date options and not available buttons for certain data.

If you would like to attend one of our sessions, please just get in touch-

Also, if you have any ideas for future training sessions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your suggestions!



Training Sessions at the BSRBR-RA

by | 14 Aug 2024 | Training | 0 comments

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Sweet lemon drops topping brownie lollipop gummies biscuit candy canes donut. Jelly-o fruitcake macaroon. Muffin topping pudding liquorice danish chupa chups carrot cake cake. Sugar plum chupa chups apple pie chocolate cake bear claw chupa chups brownie topping carrot cake. Pastry gummi bears chocolate cake. Cake chocolate bar sugar plum icing cotton candy. Chupa chups halvah jelly macaroon candy canes danish halvah bonbon. Pie chupa chups sweet roll dragée pie wafer pudding. Soufflé jujubes jelly liquorice pudding pastry cotton candy pastry. Chupa chups jelly beans carrot cake caramels ice cream fruitcake. Candy gingerbread powder sugar plum macaroon candy oat cake tiramisu. Soufflé dragée sesame snaps powder topping halvah. Croissant gummies dessert donut dragée biscuit toffee. Donut ice cream lollipop.

