International Women’s Day – Women in Science

by | 8 Mar 2025 | BSRBR-RA Team, Interview, Research | 0 comments

To continue our focus on inspirational women in science, to celebrate International Women’s Day, we asked BSRBR-RA Chief Investigator, Professor Kimme Hyrich, about her route to research.

What did you study at which University?

I grew up in Canada and did most of my university in my home city of Winnipeg, where I grew up. I did a Biological sciences degree first, then a medical degree and trained as a general internist. I then finally moved to the University of Toronto to train as a rheumatology doctor – so I am a specialist doctor for arthritis. When I was in Toronto, I met many medical professors and I decided I also wanted to include research in my job, so I took a big risk and moved to Manchester, UK to do a PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics.  I’ve stayed here ever since.

What, in all of your research in RA, are you most proud of?

I’m proud that my research has had a direct impact on improving the lives of people living with arthritis. We have quantified the risk and benefits of medicines used to treat arthritis and ensured that as many people as possible can access these important medicines. We can also reassure people of their medication safety, or be able to identify those few patients who should not have certain medicines, to keep them safe.

What advice would you give a high school age girl who is looking to start a career in scientific research?

Keep your mind open about what is possible, work hard, don’t be afraid to take risks and try to meet lots of people who work in many different aspects of science. I am now doing a job that I love and didn’t even know existed when I was in high school.