Insights from Early Career Scholar Diletta Pegoraro’s EU-SPRI Visit

by | 24 Jul 2024 | MIOIR Community, Uncategorised | 0 comments

We recently had the pleasure of hosting Diletta Pegoraro, an Early Career scholar from the Politecnico di Milano, at Manchester Institute of Innovation Research as part of the EuSPRI-funded circulation programme. Diletta’s research focuses on the Dynamics of Global Value Chain Reconfigurations, which she explores through the lenses of Innovation, International Business, and Economic Geography. Her visit not only advanced her research but also expanded her professional network and collaborative opportunities. In the following blog post, Diletta reflects on her experiences and the significant impact of this circulation on her academic journey.

Circulation Report: Studying The Dynamics Of Global Value Chain Reconfigurations At MIOIR

In this post I will compare the Early Career Scholar (ECS) to a Sequoia tree and it will explain how the Eu-SPRI-funded circulation helps ECS to foster their immense inner potential for personal and academic growth. Both EC and Sequoia possess a deep-rooted foundation in learning and preparation. As sequoia absorbs knowledge from its environmental and bio-system, ECS actively seeks out experiences and collaborations for expanding knowledge. As the sequoia reaches skyward, its branches intertwine with others, forming a supportive network in where other species can find their home. Similarly, the ECS builds connections with peers and mentors, creating a symbiotic community that fosters collective knowledge and progress. However, only the right combination of environmental factors allows sequoia to become majestic trees, without then, sequoia remain only twigs. It is the same for an ECS, while growth opportunities are many, choosing the right option for the ECS program is crucial, as each option leads to different educational pathways.

As Sequoia needs the right environmental factors for thriving, also ECS needs access to resource and funding. The Eu-SPRI mobility programme is a perfect fit for this goal, as it enable the majestic growth of the ECR.

The visit to MIOIR proved strategically crucial for advancing the conceptual framework I’m developing. This framework will lay the theoretical foundation for a larger project named PLOTTI. My visit coincided with the GEOINNO2024 Conference, organized by MIOIR itself. Before the conference, I invited MIOIR scholars to contribute to my session, where I presented the framework in its early-stage development. Further discussions and valuable feedback continued throughout my visit at MIOIR.

Beyond actively working on the project, I immersed myself in the lively and active department, attending seminars and activities. The pre-seminar coffee meetings provided the perfect opportunity to pitch my research and receive immediate, friendly feedback from esteemed scholars. Of particular importance was the guidance I received from Professor Silvia Massini. Her expertise in innovation diffusion and digital technologies proved invaluable. With her help, I was able to refine the conceptual framework for accelerating the adoption of digital technologies for more sustainable living.

Joining the Eu-SPRI Circulation Programme can help you build a thriving research network by connecting with researchers from diverse institutions and disciplines. The visiting period provides valuable resources like access to research facilities, funding for travel and accommodation, and opportunities to collaborate with leading experts. To maximise your experience, develop a compelling timeline that highlights your research goals and aligns them with the host institution’s expertise. Connect with your tutor early to get feedback on your proposal and discuss research opportunities. Don’t hesitate to explore additional collaborations by scheduling meetings with other researchers at the host institution. Remember, this program isn’t about become the highest sequoia but about laying the basis for allowing a prosperity growth of your branches through collaborations and exchanges.

In conclusion, while separated by species and age, we ECS and the sequoia share a remarkable kinship, both standing tall with the promise of a flourishing future.

This blog was originally posted on the European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation Website which you can read here. The Eu-SPRI Forum was founded in Paris in June 2010 and has presently 19 member institutions. Eu-SPRI Forum supports the intellectual and career development of early career SPRI researchers through doctoral programs, conferences, summer schools and mobility between the partner groups.