Category: MSc IME Blogs

Reef Revolution: How Implementation of 3D Printing Can Promote Sustainable Coral Restoration

Reef Revolution: How Implementation of 3D Printing Can Promote Sustainable Coral Restoration

As Indonesia’s coral reefs face threats, it is essential to find solutions to protect the marine ecosystem. Adopting innovative methods like 3D printing for coral reef restoration presents a promising answer. MSc IME student Nisrina Iswara argues that acknowledging the complexities involved and fostering responsible governance is essential for ensuring a sustainable and impactful outcome.

Unlocking the Future: Exploring Facial Recognition’s Role in Retail Evolution

Unlocking the Future: Exploring Facial Recognition’s Role in Retail Evolution

Exploring the potential of facial recognition in retail, MSc IME student Yalin Pang delves into its opportunities for enhancing customer experience and operational efficiency, and for reaching SDGs. However, as an emerging technology, risks and ethical dilemmas exist, and robust governance strategies should be developed.

Fast fashion: An industry in need of a makeover

Fast fashion: An industry in need of a makeover

The New York Times first introduced the term fast-fashion in the early 1990s to illustrate how fast Zara was in bringing runaway trends onto store racks at a relatively low price. Unfortunately, keeping up with these demands has seen companies adopt speedy, cheap, resource-intensive supply chains, says Krisna Chanti.

I, Doctor

I, Doctor

Imagine a future where everyone has access to high quality healthcare and each prescribed drug or treatment is uniquely tailored to you. Zuzanna Nagadowska tells us more.