Pickstone Lecture 2024
In 2024 it will be 10 years since the passing of John Pickstone. To mark this sad anniversary, and to ensure the legacy of John’s extraordinarily varied contributions to our understanding of science, technology and medicine, past and present, his colleagues at the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) have decided to host a Pickstone Lecture.
The inaugural lecture will take place on Monday, 15 April 2024, 5pm, in the Samuel Alexander Lecture Theatre, Samuel Alexander Building. We are delighted to announce that our speaker will be John’s colleague and friend, Dr. Sam Alberti, Director of Collections at the National Museums Scotland. Sam’s talk is entitled “Ways of Knowing in the Museum.”
We very much hope that you will be able to attend, and that you will help us spread the word through your networks. It would be fitting to have a diverse audience to celebrate the work of a man of such diverse interests. If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with CHSTM’s director Carsten Timmermann (carsten.timmermann@manchester.ac.uk) or the head of the organising committee Ian Burney (ian.burney@manchester.ac.uk).
Attendance is free, but please follow this link to register.
First Pickstone Lecture
15 April 2024, 5pm BST
Samuel Alexander Lecture Theatre, Samuel Alexander Building (Building No 67 on the interactive campus map)
Or join us online: https://zoom.us/j/96498013002
Sam Alberti, National Museums Scotland & University of Stirling
“Ways of Knowing in the Museum”
Samuel JMM Alberti FRSE is Director of Collections at National Museums Scotland, and an Honorary Professor in Heritage Studies at the University of Stirling. Trained in history of science, he taught at the University of Manchester before working at the intersection of museums and universities for twenty years, first at the Manchester Museum, then as Director of Museums and Archives at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He has also held visiting research appointments in London, Philadelphia, and Edinburgh. Sam’s recent practice has focussed on the role of museums in the climate emergency and on Cold War museology (he is currently Principal Investigator on the AHRC project, ‘Materialising the Cold War’).