PPIE Forum update September 2020
The Faculty’s Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Forum recently held its first meeting of the academic year.
The Forum plays an essential role in driving forward the Faculty’s PPIE Action Plan, an integral part of our Social Responsibility (SR) strategy, and includes representation from Public Contributors (PC), Schools, Divisions (staff and students) and key external stakeholders. It is Co-Chaired by Dr Stephanie Snow, Academic Lead for Community Engagement and Involvement and Kay Gallacher, who is one of our PC.
Members discussed the 2020/21 Action Plan and suggested actions related to PPIE for the Forum and Faculty to focus on this academic year. They also discussed past and upcoming SR initiatives including a new PPIE Toolkit which provides access to useful resources for staff, students and PC. Examples of resources included are the; PC Induction Guide, Fees and Payments Guide, PC appointment letter template and PC privacy notice.
Co-Chairs welcomed four new PC members, in addition to two existing members. It is important for the Forum to include PC in its membership due to the invaluable feedback and ideas they provide which ensures our PPIE events, training and resources are relevant and therefore suit the requirements of PC, staff and students.
For information on previous Forums visit: March 2019, June 2019 and January 2020. To find out more about PPIE sign up to the Public Engagement Digest on the website, visit our blog page, or contact srbmh@manchester.ac.uk.