We have launched a brand new PPIE Toolkit!
The Social Responsibility and Public Engagement (SRPE) team have co-produced a toolkit specifically for Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE). We hope that the resources available in the toolkit will be useful for those conducting and participating in PPIE. Continue reading to find out more…
The toolkit which features information, resources, templates and case studies can be accessed here: www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/bmh/social-responsibility/public-and-patient-engagement/ppie-toolkit/.
Here is everything you need to know:
What is the PPIE toolkit?
Launched at the Faculty’s PPIE Celebration Event 2020, the PPIE toolkit is a collection of information, templates and resources designed to support you with your PPIE, whether you are a staff member, student or Public Contributor (a member of the public involved and/or engaged with our research and teaching).
The resources created for our toolkit have been co-produced with Public Contributors, staff and students from across the University. We would especially like to thank the Faculty’s PPIE Forum members, University ethics team and our HR and Information Governance teams.
Who can access it?
Our toolkit is a freely accessible collection of resources which University staff, students and Public Contributors can easily access and use.
Where can I find it?
The toolkit is located on the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health’s intranet page here. Even though the toolkit is hosted on an internal University website, it can be accessed by Public Contributor without requiring a University log-in.
You can also access the toolkit from our external website here.
What resources make up the toolkit?
The toolkit is split into six main categories:
- Communication – find out more about PPIE and Social Responsibility (SR) within the Faculty though our different channels of communication, including our monthly news digest email, SR newsletter and Faculty SR blog;
- People – contact a member of our team, and learn about the Faculty’s PPIE Forum which is a central point for members to receive information, advice and guidance on PPIE activities and initiatives;
- Events and Training – features information on PPIE events and training across the Faculty and University which staff, students and Public Contributors can get involved in; including our PPIE Celebration Event, Zoom training session, and Public Contributor Induction Session;
- Guidance documents and templates – includes examples and blank templates that you can adapt for your own PPIE activities, as well as useful finance, ethics and governance information;
- Get Involved – opportunities for involvement that members of the public can access across the Faculty’s research and teaching;
- Case studies – read more about the Faculty’s PPIE activities.
Why did you make a toolkit?
The SRPE team co-produced a number of resources and wanted to create a space where all of these resources could be accessed so that others could benefit too. We hope that this toolkit will streamline and enhance your current PPIE activities.
Am I able to use these toolkit resources for my own PPIE?
Yes, we encourage you to use our templates and examples which are there to help you structure and design your own PPIE activities.
If you are external to the University the resources are covered under our copyright notice.
Who can I contact for more information?
If you have any questions about the information and resources on our toolkit please contact our team at srbmh@manchester.ac.uk. Please also let us know if you use any other documents or guidelines in your own PPIE activities that others might find helpful.
For more information about other PPIE events, training and funding opportunities, you can sign up to our monthly digest, visit our website, follow us on twitter or email srbmh@manchester.ac.uk. For further PPIE resources, visit the Faculty’s PPIE Toolkit.