Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Forum update
The Faculty’s Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Forum has held its first meeting of this academic year.
The Forum plays an essential role in driving forward the Faculty’s PPIE Action Plan, an integral part of our Social Responsibility (SR) strategy, and includes representation from Public Contributors (PC), Schools, Divisions (staff and students) and key external stakeholders. It is Co-Chaired by Professor Stephanie Snow, Academic Lead for Community Engagement and Involvement and Kay Gallacher, who is one of our PCs
Members discussed the 2022/23 Action Plan and suggested actions related to PPIE for the Forum and Faculty to focus on this academic year. They also discussed the outputs from the PPIE Celebration event in July, which focused on the theme intersectionality and inclusivity and featured the Faculty’s Outstanding Contribution to PPIE awards.
Members reviewed the Faculty’s PPIE standards, which were based on UK standards for public involvement, a framework for what good public involvement in research looks like. The standards are adaptable to different situations and were designed to improve the quality and consistency of public involvement in research. The standards will be launched across the Faculty shortly.
Members heard updates from Vocal and Health Innovation Manchester representatives. Vocal updated members on the recent funding award to the Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and the Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF). The next skillsharing training session will take place on 9th November and will focus on accessible and inclusive public engagement practice.
Health Innovation Manchester updated members on their first in person panel meeting since the pandemic, which featured representation from 15 public members with a wide range of skills. They conducted a workshop style session where attendees compared PPIE to cake making, for example what would the base layer, topping, filling etc. be in relation to PPIE. A resource will be created out of this.
For information on previous Forums visit: March 22, January 2022, and October 2021. To find out more about PPIE: watch our short film, sign up to the monthly Public Engagement Digest, visit the PPIE blog, or contact srbmh@manchester.ac.uk.