What is PPIE?
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) describes the different ways in which patients and members of the public can be involved or engaged in our research and teaching.
Public engagement describes the ways in which the activities and benefits of higher education and research are shared with the public, whereas involvement is an active partnership between research or teaching staff with patients or members of the public. Members of the public involved or engaged in our research and teaching are referred to as Public Contributors.
The Faculty’s Social Responsibility and Public Engagement (SRPE) Team is the central hub for Public Contributors, staff, and students involved in PPIE. To support, staff, students, and Public Contributors, the SRPE Team can offer:
- advice and guidance
- training opportunities for staff and Public Contributors including our Public Contributor Induction Session
- sign-posting and promotion of involvement opportunities, training, and funding available through our monthly public engagement digest. The digest is received by a range of staff, students, and Public Contributors – you can sign up to the digest here!
- The Being a Public Contributor Induction Guide which provides useful information about being a Public Contributor in the Faculty. The guide will soon be available in various forms. If you’d like hard copies of this guide to distribute to your Public Contributor networks, please contact srbmh@manchester.ac.uk.
If you’d like to find out more about the SRPE Team and the work they do, you can visit their website, intranet, follow them on Twitter using @FBMH_SR, or contact srbmh@manchester.ac.uk.