Walking with students

Manchester Calling Staff blogs Student blogs About Roger Macginty I have been experimenting this semester by holding walking meetings with students rather than meetings in my office. I was inspired by listening to a talk given by John Paul Lederach albeit he has the...

The oldest war crime in the book?

Manchester Calling Staff blogs Student blogs About Bertrand Taithe During the night of Friday to Saturday 3 October 2015 the US airforce bombed a hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz. The attack destroyed the hospital and killed (as of today, 5 October) 13 Medecins...

Peace Studies: Where are all the men?

Manchester Calling Staff blogs Student blogs About Roger Mac Ginty It is the start of the academic year and I am delighted to say that we have a bumper crop of MA Peace and Conflict Studies students. I’m looking forward to the debates and the intellectual...