April McMahon: Creating a blended experience for our students

April McMahon: Creating a blended experience for our students

At The University of Manchester we’re mainly not designing and providing wholly online programmes. We can make the online components higher-quality, with better production values, based on appropriate pedagogy for working with online learners – and our students are guiding us on how to do this. But we also believe passionately in an on-campus experience, and we miss the buzz of our campus full of students.

Lisa Murtagh: Home Educating during the COVID-19 Pandemic ‘Tears and Treats’

Lisa Murtagh: Home Educating during the COVID-19 Pandemic ‘Tears and Treats’

All of a sudden, many of us have found ourselves in the novel position of being a home-educator. From a personal perspective, the past few weeks have been fraught with tears (mine and my son’s) and the reward of lots of treats (movies and sweets). I am currently the Head of Initial Teacher Education at the University of Manchester and have been involved in education for over 25 years. On that basis, you may assume that I have got this home education lark ‘nailed’. I haven’t!

Julian Skyrme: Bringing out our best in a crisis

Julian Skyrme: Bringing out our best in a crisis

Theories of disasters point out that during major societal crises the needs of individuals and society move closer together: we develop a greater sense of belonging and commonality and we tend to bring out the best in ourselves and our organisations. All of this has been evident across our University community since the extraordinary events brought on by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

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