The SRPE team hosts an online Zoom training session
It’s important that our staff, students and Public Contributors (members of the public involved and engaged with our research and teaching) are able to be involved and engaged with the Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) activities within the Faculty. To aid this, our team conducted an online training event ahead of the annual PPIE celebration event.
The Faculty’s Social Responsibility and Public Engagement (SRPE) team hosted their first Zoom training session for Public Contributors, in preparation for the PPIE Celebration Event which was hosted online last week due to the coronavirus pandemic. This year’s event theme, ‘PPIE in a Socially Distanced World’, explored how PPIE can continue to adapt and benefit health and social care during these unprecedented times. To read more about the celebration event, click here.
In order to ensure that the celebration event was accessible to the Faculty’s Public Contributors, a training session was held to inform them about how to use Zoom software as an attendee but also as a host.
The training session included:
- How to access a meeting
- How to switch your camera on/off
- How to switch your microphone on/off
- Chat, polls and break-out room functions
- How to leave a meeting
- Host functions
One Public Contributor commented, “It was such an enjoyable session, and really helpful! I feel now that I’ll be able to attend a meeting without worrying that I’m going to click something I didn’t mean to.”
The slides used during the training are available online, and we have also created a word document with the discussed information. If you would like any more information about the training session, please contact srbmh@manchester.ac.uk.
For more information about other PPIE events, training and funding opportunities, you can sign up to our monthly digest, visit our website, follow us on twitter or email srbmh@manchester.ac.uk. For further PPIE resources, visit the Faculty’s PPIE Toolkit.