PPIE advice clinic… ‘the patients will see you now…’
In 2018 the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health hosted a Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) advice clinic to support our staff and students as part of our annual celebration event.
The aim of the clinic was for attendees to work together to advise our researchers on any PPIE related query that they may have.
Our first clinic welcomed Dr Ellena Badrick a Cancer Data Scientist whose query was around priority setting partnerships in early cancer detection.
More specifically, Ellena was due to create a survey to collate patients and public view on what the gaps were in her priority setting[1]. She also wanted to promote the survey innovatively in order to get representation from lesser heard groups in the community.
Our audience involvement ultimately led to an increase in patients/public completing the survey with 1300 people responding to the first survey alone.
Watch this short video where Ellena explains the advice she received and the impact it had.
Read more about the outcomes of the Priority Setting Partnership in Detecting Cancer Early:
Our 2019 clinic welcomed Dr Ceri Harrop, former Public Programmes Manager, Wellcome Trust Cell-Matrix Centre who asked our attendees for advice on how best to involve the public in exploring discovery phase research.
Ceri used our audience’s suggestions/ ideas to inform and shape her project plan.
‘It was a really useful opportunity to sound out such a diverse and interested audience especially at the scoping phase of my project.’ Ceri
[1] Priority setting is when patients/public, staff and other stakeholders identify and prioritise the top list of unanswered questions or evidence uncertainties that they agree are the most important about a health condition.
Further information
For more information about other PPIE events, training and funding opportunities sign up to the monthly PPIE digest, visit the website and PPIE blog, follow @FBMH_SR or email srbmh@manchester.ac.uk.