Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Forum update
The Faculty’s Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Forum has held its second meeting of this academic year.
The Forum plays an essential role in driving forward the Faculty’s PPIE Action Plan, an integral part of our Social Responsibility (SR) strategy, and includes representation from Public Contributors (PC), Schools, Divisions (staff and students) and key external stakeholders. It is Co-Chaired by Professor Stephanie Snow, Academic Lead for Community Engagement and Involvement and PC Kay Gallacher.
Guest speaker Steph Seville, Heritage Officer, discussed the Faculty’s Museum of Medicine and Health which hosts one of the most extensive collections of medical artefacts in England. Spanning more than 300 years, the collection is a significant educational and cultural asset. It supports outstanding learning and student experience and public engagement by contributing to exhibitions, research projects. It also has a permanent display ‘Instruments of Change’ in the Stopford Building, showcasing some of the medical artefacts and events and items are available to loan out for exhibitions, research and teaching activities.
Members discussed plans for the 2023 PPIE Celebration event and how we can build on last year’s theme intersectionality and inclusivity. Members reviewed a hints and tips resource on how can PPIE in a health and clinical research setting embrace the new digital world which was created from discussions at the 2021 celebration event. The resource will be launched across the Faculty shortly.
Members also discussed how we can embed the Faculty’s new PPIE charter across our research and teaching, who are our Faculty champions and where to promote to ensure engagement across the Faculty. Further details on the charter will be launched shortly.
Members heard updates from Vocal and Health Innovation Manchester representatives. Vocal updated members on the recent funding award to the Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and the Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF). Plus their social media campaign titled #CancerAndUs which highlights their work with community groups.
Health Innovation Manchester updated members on how PC are included in their work and the best practice of meeting with PC ahead of any new involvement to explain their role and what is required from them.
For information on previous Forums visit: November 2022, March 22, and January 2022. To find out more about PPIE: watch our short film, sign up to the monthly Public Engagement Digest, visit the PPIE blog, or contact srbmh@manchester.ac.uk.