Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Forum November 2024 update
The Faculty’s Social Responsibility (SR) and Civic Engagement (CE) plan outlines our commitment to driving positive environmental and social change for our local and global communities through our world-leading teaching, learning and research. To support this, the patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) forum, Co-Chaired by Dr Joanne Pennock, (interim co-chair) and Kay Gallacher, public contributor (PC), brings together PCs, University staff and students and external stakeholders to discuss and shape the Faculty’s PPIE priorities.
The first forum of the 2024-25 academic year was held online in November. The forum set priorities for the upcoming year with topics of discussion including; the new University-wide Manchester 2035 strategy, barriers to public engagement, and the development of a new PPIE Action Plan for 2024-25.
The meeting began with an acknowledgment of thanks to Prof. Stephanie Snow, who stepped down as the Faculty’s Academic Lead for Community Engagement and Involvement. Stephanie has taken on a new role as the University’s Academic Lead for Public Engagement with Research.
Members then celebrated some of the forum’s key achievements in the past academic year. Highlights included the PPIE celebration event, PPIE awards ceremony and the 2024 Making a Difference Awards. Members were also informed of the Faculty’s new Fees and Payments working group, which aims to review the processes for paying public contributors.
Next on the agenda, Sam Franklin presented the University’s new 10-year strategy; Manchester 2035. Members discussed the plan and offered advice on ways forward for PPIE and Community Engagement; their feedback will be shared with University leaders.
Co-chair Kay Gallacher then gave updates on a number of PPIE topics. Kay, Sam, and Hawys Williams have now completed their open research fellowship, with future plans for the creation of a digital tool and the collation of resources and case studies in collaboration with forum attendees. If you have a resource that you would like to submit, please send to srbmh@manchester.ac.uk.
Following this, forum members celebrated the success of the Faculty’s PPIE celebration event, which was held in July and coincided with the University’s Bicentenary celebrations. The annual event received positive feedback, and members were commended for their help in planning and delivery.
As the meeting was the first forum of the academic year, members reviewed the PPIE action plan for 2024/25. A living document, the action plan marks the key focus points for the forum and will be amended throughout the year. Members also reviewed and approved the forum’s Terms of References, which document the aim, scope and duties of the forum and its members for the year ahead.
Beyond the agenda, forum members discussed the upcoming Making a Difference Awards, which are now open for nominations until 15th January 2025.
For information on previous Forums visit: March 2024, January 2024, October 2023, February 2023, November 2022, March 2022, and January 2022. To find out more about PPIE: watch our short film, sign up to the monthly Public Engagement Digest, visit the PPIE blog, or contact srbmh@manchester.ac.uk.