Daily Definition Challenge #WordsForHealth
To investigate how accessible the scientific language used by healthcare scientists is, the MAHSE (Manchester Academy for Healthcare Scientist Education) Patient Forum launched an interactive social media campaign on Monday 11th May.

Spotlight on… The FBMH Social Responsibility and Public Engagement (SRPE) Team
For our first ‘Spotlight on…’ article, we would like to use this opportunity to introduce the Faculty’s Social Responsibility and Public Engagement (SRPE) team to our PPIE blog readers.

Radiotherapy: A Patient’s Perspective
Learning about medical treatments can become dehumanised; often the thoughts and feelings of the patients come secondary to the scientific research. However, to fully understand radiotherapy, it is important to know about treatment from both sides of the spectrum, as a medical professional and also as a patient.

Collections Bites: University research and public engagement
We love hearing directly from our staff, students and Public Contributors (members of the public who are involved and engaged with the Faculty's research and teaching) about their Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) activities. This blog category...

Exploring the value of human life through art-science collaborations
Public Engagement describes the ways in which higher education and research can be shared with the public. It is a two-way process, involving interaction and listening, with the goal of generating mutual benefit. In this blog category, you will find out about the...

World Cancer Day 2020
The University’s Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Cancer Forum recently organised a University-wide event for World Cancer Day to bring together the Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC) partners, patients, University staff and students, and the public.

Conducting Responsible PPIE
Dr Hawys Williams, Social Responsibility and Public Engagement Manager, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health (FBMH), provides her thoughts on feeding back, and the value of responsible Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE). Within our Faculty, many...

Kay’s Blog (PPIE Forum Co-Chair) #3
Public Contributor Kay Gallacher has recently been appointed Co-Chair for the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health’s Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Forum. She will be writing a quarterly blog to provide an update on her role and the Forum. As...

Looking back on 2019
2019 was a wonderful year for the Social Responsibility and Public Engagement (SRPE) Team within the Faculty, full of exciting events, new training opportunities and celebrating achievements. Here are just a couple of our highlights from the year.

From Man to Mouse: Irene Manton Lecture
This year’s guest speaker was Jan Bradley, Professor of Parasitology from the University of Nottingham, who delivered her lecture entitled ‘From Man to Mouse’ in the historic setting of the library’s reading room.