Workshop: Assembling the Data Jigsaw
We are holding a workshop for up to 10 people from Salford to seek their views about our research plans in a project called Assembling the Data Jigsaw, which aims to link healthcare records from Salford GPs and Salford Royal NHS Trust for research into musculoskeletal conditions.
We want to hear your questions, concerns, thoughts, and expectations; we want to understand if there is public/patient support for our research and data linkage; we want to know what patient benefits, if any, you can see from the proposed research.
We would love to speak to you if you live in Salford.
We’re also keen to hear from you if you live in Salford and:
- Experience chronic pain or
- Have a diagnosis of Axial Spondylarthritis (AxSpA)
At the workshop, we will introduce the research and the research questions, explain about data linkage and linking without consent, explain our approach to making sure the data is secure and our approach is safe, why the research is important, what the patient benefit could be, and how people can opt-out.
We plan to hold the workshop on 7th April 2022 from 1:00-2:30pm via zoom. We can provide support for people unfamiliar with using zoom. People attending will be offered £30 as a thank you in recognition of their time.
We would like to audio record the workshop to help in writing up the notes after the meeting. The recording will be stored in secure University storage. Once the meeting notes have been written up, the recording will be securely deleted. Prior to the workshop, we will ask all attendees to confirm via email whether or not they agree to the meeting being recorded. We will ensure that all attendees have provided a response prior to the workshop. We will only record the workshop if all attendees consent to the recording taking place. At the beginning of the workshop, we will remind people that it will be recorded.
To avoid unauthorised entry to the workshop, we will ensure the invitation contains a password and we will use a waiting room to admit attendees individually.
If you are interested in taking part, contact Ginny Mitchell, Research Project Administrator Assembling the Data Jigsaw at jigsaw@manchester.ac.uk