Dr. Bip Choudhury: Lent – a season of preparation
For Christians, the season of Lent begins mid-February where believers will fast for 40 days, just as Jesus did when He was in the wilderness overcoming all temptation. It is a season of preparation; preparing our hearts to be transformed to be more like His, to know and follow God’s will for our lives.
The word fasting need not relate solely to food, but rather, to worldly luxuries like watching favourite tv shows and spending time on social media. The point of denying oneself these comforts, is to hear God’s voice more clearly. After all, if one is fully satisfied physically and fully occupied mentally, how can we make time and space to hear from the Almighty? More recently there has been a movement to introduce new activities into daily life during Lent, like going for daily walks, rather than abstaining from something. This is equally helpful as it keeps us close to God’s creation, a reminder that He is all around us.
The 40 days of Lent are a time of preparation and transformation as we try and grow close to God. Understanding His will for our lives, helps us walk closer with Him as He invites us to work with Him to establish His peace loving agenda on earth. Lent climaxes in Holy Week, where on the Thursday many Christians will share a simple meal commemorating Jesus’ last supper with His disciples. Often the vicar will wash the feet of those in attendance, just as Jesus did, a reminder that we are here to serve and not to be served. The good news of Good Friday follows with the celebrations on Easter Sunday when the season of Lent finishes.
By Dr. Bip Choudhury -Reader in Anatomy, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health