New release of PhD studentships for study Sept 2012
HCRI is delighted to announce 2 more PhD studentships for students wishing to commence study September 2012 and an extension to the deadline for the previously advertised peacebuilding award.
Interfaces between international and local actors in peacebuilding contexts (1 studentship) The candidate will conduct research under the guidance of Prof. Oliver Richmond who is particularly interested in candidates who will develop semi-ethnographic research methods in order to understand how ‘peace formation’ occurs at the grass roots level, and how this impacts upon the state and upon donors in specific contexts. Cases where the UN has been involved via an integrated peacebuilding mission are especially welcome.
The role of foreign medical teams in sudden onset disasters  (1 studentship) HCRI in partnership with University Hospital of South Manchester (UHSM) invites applications for a four year PhD studentship to conduct research on issues related to the role of foreign medical teams in sudden onset disasters. The successful candidate will be supervised by Professor Tony Redmond, HCRI Deputy Director.
Skills Retention in the Voluntary Sector:Â Facilitating Sustainable First Aid Training Nationally and Globally through the British Red Cross (1 studentship)Â HCRI in partnership with the British Red Cross and University Hospital of South Manchester (UHSM) invites applications for a four year PhD studentship to conduct research on issues related to Skills Retention in the Voluntary Sector:Â Facilitating Sustainable First Aid Training Nationally and Globally through the British Red Cross. The selected candidate will also contribute to research and programming at the British Red Cross offices.