Joe Blakey and Marc Hudson disagree with the UK Government’s much vaunted target of zero-carbon by 2050 constitutes the country’s “highest possible ambition”.
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Dr Alison Browne presents to Defra’s Joint Water Evidence Programme ‘Grand Challenges’ policy workshop
The SCI’s Ali Browne was invited to present to the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Environment Agency’s ‘Joint Water Evidence Programme’ policy workshop on 6 June 2019.
Education for sustainability, action-oriented research and the value of building bridges
During March 2019 the Sustainable Consumption Institute held a series of activities around sustainability education and hosted Rachel Trajber, Cemaden (National Monitoring and Early Warning and Centre of Natural Disasters).
Why the meat industry could win big from the switch to veggie lifestyles
One of the largest meat processors in the UK, has launched a plant-based meat alternative. Before long, the meat producers could take over this growing market for meat-free alternatives.
Everyday thriftiness: Austerity and sustainability
With 12.4 million people living in absolute low income poverty in the UK in 2016/17, continued uncertainty from Brexit, and persistent issues with the new benefits system, Universal Credit, life remains bleak for many in the UK.
School climate strikes: What next for the latest generation of activists?
Last Friday students across the UK (and the world) went on strike, leaving their lessons to protest about the lack of effective action on climate change.
Victims, saviours or villains? Children in popular climate imaginaries
With the school children’s #ClimateStrike movement reaching the UK, Catherine Walker explores how children are framed in climate change discourse and asks how can children moves us beyond our current political impasse?
Gilets jaunes, Extinction Rebellion and neoliberal climate policy
Two protest movements erupted in the UK and France on November 17, with apparently opposite logics. Matthew Paterson argues that both movements result from the the way carbon pricing has been both regressive socially and woefully inadequate in climate terms.
Meat-free alternatives are dull – we need exciting vegan Christmas dinner ideas
Before Christmas SCI doctoral researcher Malte Rödl had a piece published in The Conversation challenging cooks to look beyond “meat –eating without the meat”. With ‘Veganuary’ in the headlines we thought it was a viewpoint still worth looking at.
Professor Mark Harvey – a political and intellectual trajectory
The SCI co-sponsored a conference to mark the retirement of Professor Mark Harvey. Read Mark’s inspiring talk on the political and intellectual trajectory of his career.