by Viewpoint | Feb 20, 2020 | Faculty of Biology. Medicine and Health, PSLT
Director of Faculty Operations for Biology, Medicine and Health, and EDI champion for the Professional Services, Vikki Goddard discusses under-representation in Professional Services at the University and why it does and should matter to us all. Equality, Diversity...
by Viewpoint | Feb 13, 2020 | PSLT
Malcolm Whitehouse, Chief Information Officer, talks about our journey to becoming a truly digital University, and how modernising IT can support us. All organisations, regardless of type or size, will over the course of the next decade increasingly see both their...
by Viewpoint | Feb 6, 2020 | Faculty of Humanities
This advice is correct at the time of publication of this news article. For the latest information, please check Public Health England and the University’s coronavirus website. Peter Gries, Director of the Manchester China Institute and Professor of Chinese politics...
by Viewpoint | Jan 30, 2020 | Faculty of Humanities
Professor Andy Westwood talks about the most important domestic challenge for the new Conservative Government – regional inequality. “Getting Brexit done” might have been the dominant theme in December’s General Election but ‘levelling up’ the economy across all parts...
by Viewpoint | Jan 24, 2020 | PSLT
Matt Atkin, Director of Planning, shares his experience of developing the University’s new vision and strategic plan with our people at its core. It’s over two years since Nancy asked me to help with the development of our new vision and strategic plan and I clearly...