by Viewpoint | Mar 9, 2022 | Learning and Students, Teaching
The past year has been a real whirlwind for us all. With your help we shifted our direction of travel for teaching and learning at The University of Manchester towards a future blended and flexible model with the ‘First steps to flexible learning’ paper. From there we...
by Viewpoint | Mar 4, 2022 | Learning and Students
Previously published on Advance HE From humble beginnings, the Advance HE accredited Fellowship programme at The University of Manchester has grown exponentially. This is testament to our commitment to developing a culture of continued enhancement in teaching...
by Viewpoint | Jan 19, 2022 | Uncategorised
Heard the one about the comet hurtling towards Earth but no one cares? Quite possibly you have. Don’t Look Up, now streaming on Netflix, has become that rarest of things: a film or programme about climate change that’s both got people talking and doesn’t feature Sir...
by Viewpoint | Nov 1, 2021 | PSLT
Today (Monday, 1 November) marks a significant step as the Directorate of Human Resources changes its name to the Directorate of People and Organisational Development (which may be shortened to People and OD, but please not POD!) So why a name change and why now? In...
by Viewpoint | Oct 13, 2021 | SLT
To tackle the greatest crisis of our lifetime – climate change – our University is undertaking agenda-setting work to help ensure a sustainable planet. We are driven by our commitment to social responsibility, one of our three core strategic goals, and we are...