Public Contributor Induction Session – October 2019
Find out how we have created a training session for the many Public Contributors who are involved and engaged with our research and teaching.

Kay’s Blog (PPIE Forum Co-Chair) #2
All sorts of things have happened since the Faculty Social Responsibility Forum was held on 5th June so this blog is a general catch up as well as a report on the Forum meeting.

The 2018 PPIE Celebration Event Winners!
Meet the 2018 winners of the Faculty’s Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) awards.

The 2017 PPIE Celebration Event Winners!
Find out about the Faculty’s amazing 2017 Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) award winners!

Kay’s Blog (PPIE Forum Co-Chair) #1
Public Contributor Kay Gallacher has recently been appointed Lay Chair for the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health’s Social Responsibility Public Engagement (SRPE) Forum. She will be writing a quarterly blog to provide an update on her role and the Forum.

What is PPIE?
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) describes the different ways in which patients and members of the public can be involved or engaged in our research and teaching.Public engagement describes the ways in which the activities and benefits of higher...

Welcome to the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health's (FBMH) Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) blog site. This blog site will update staff, students, and Public Contributors about PPIE within the Faculty. Public Contributors are members of the...