Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Blog

Laura Cragg: Importance of Charter marks at the University

Laura Cragg: Importance of Charter marks at the University

June is chartermark month on the University’s 2024 Diversity calendar. 2023 was an important year with the submission of our Athena Swan and Race Equality Charter Silver applications, our Disability Confident Level 3 application and our Stonewall Workplace Equality Index application. These submissions reflect on progress made but also highlight ongoing challenges.

Rachel Heyes: What are Staff Networks?

Rachel Heyes: What are Staff Networks?

If you're new to the concept of staff network groups, you're not alone. Before joining the University of Manchester, I hadn't encountered them either. These networks are invaluable resources, offering peer support to staff who may face marginalisation or oppression....

Late-stage autistic diagnosis, employment and burnout

Late-stage autistic diagnosis, employment and burnout

In our EDI Blog this month, Matthew Harrison, Co-Chair of the Neurodivergent Staff Network shares his lived experience of autism from diagnosis, the impact of autism in the workplace, burnout, and the importance of connection that he has found in the Neurodiversity Network.

Stephanie Danson: Active Bystander

Stephanie Danson: Active Bystander

This month in the EDI Diversity Calendar is focused on Active Bystander. At The University of Manchester, we want to encourage an environment of inclusion where everyone feels valued and respected and can work and study in a safe and supportive environment. Part of this is to encourage staff and students to challenge and report problematic behaviour such as microaggressions, discrimination, bullying and harassment and hate crime.

Eve Hughes: International Women’s Day – A March Celebration

Eve Hughes: International Women’s Day – A March Celebration

March hosts the global celebration of women, International Women’s Day. It allows us to celebrate women from a diverse range of backgrounds in all their deserving glory. In order to fully get into the spirit of International Women’s Day, I’ve been reading and indulging in a lot of media that particularly celebrates women and will be reviewing a book and a film that especially stood out to me.