Dr. Emilie Combaz has produced three new helpdesk reports for GSDRC (Governance and Social Development Resource Centre), which are available to read and download online.Emilie's first report examines social inclusion in productive safety net programmes (PSNPs) in the...
Category: Staff blogs
New Publication: The Making of the Modern Refugee by Prof. Peter Gatrell
HCRI Professor of History Peter Gatrell has written a new book: The Making of the Modern Refugee is a comprehensive history of global population displacement in the twentieth century, which examines how the idea of refugees as a 'problem' embedded itself in the minds...
Report on joint HCRI and Islamic Relief Conference Released
A report was released last week summarising discussions held as part of the International Conference on Islam and Conflict Transformation, co-hosted by both HCRI and Islamic Relief in January 2013, which explored how principles of Islamic faith, methodologies and...
Professor Tony Redmond on research procedure ethics – The Lancet
HCRI Deputy Director Tony Redmond has recently had a letter published in British medical journal The Lancet. Co-written with colleagues from the University of Manchester School of Psychological Social Sciences, Professor Redmond highlights several issues surrounding...
Two New Helpdesk Reports from Dr. Emilie Combaz
Answering queries on the definition of humanitarian capability, and the effects of integrated UN missions on humanitarian operations, HCRI Research Associate Dr. Emilie Combaz has submitted two new helpdesk reports to the Governance and Social Development Research...
Report into NHS Overseas Volunteering in Launched in Parliament
...Great progress has been achieved in recent years in developing international partnerships between the NHS, NGOs and low and middle income countries. As a result, we are seeing gains in terms of service innovation, leadership development and international standing,...
The Long Shadow of Band Aid Humanitarianism: revisiting the dynamics between famine and celebrity
Dr Tanja Müller's latest paper looks at The Ethiopian famine, the emergence of Band Aid, and its impact on the rise of celebrity humanitarianism.  Read full article published in Third World Quarterly journal Related Contact Us +44 (0)...
Peacebuilding publications
HCRI Peacebuilding Professors Roger Mac Ginty and Oliver Richmond have published a number of books and articles recently.The first edition of the journal Peacebuilding was published in February 2013.Roger Mac Ginty:R. Mac Ginty ed. (2013) Handbook on Peacebuilding,...
Emilie Combaz writes Helpdesk Reports
Emilie Combaz, HCRI Research Associate, has written a number of Helpdesk Reports. These reports are requested by advisors from the Department for International Development on subjects that they would like more information on. Emilie researches the topic and contacts...
New article from Emily Pia
Emily Pia has a new article out. Narrative therapy and peacebuilding has been published in the Journal of Intervention and statebuilding and is available to read here. Related Contact Us +44 (0) 161 306 6000 Find Us The University of...