aspiration&revolution by Dr Tanja Miller
"In the last few weeks there was no escape from pictures showing friends and strangers from all wakes of life dumping buckets of ice-cold water on their heads. What on the surface is being marketed as a fun activity for a serious cause says in fact a lot about...
Programme for ‘Shaping Peace – Local Infrastructures and State Formation’ conference now available
The programme for our Third Annual Conference of the International Association for Peace and Conflict Studies and the ECPR Standing Group on Critical Peace and Conflict Studies is now available. The conference will take place 11-12 September in the Samuel Alexander...
HCRI Celebrates First PhD Graduations
HCRI has celebrated the graduation of it's first PhD students from the PhD in Humanitarian and Conflict Response programme, Dr Obi Ojimiwe and Dr Mateja Celestina.Looking back on her experiences at HCRI, Mateja concluded that it had been "extremely positive,...
Global Health and Humanitarianism MOOC one week away
HCRI's first foray into free online education will come to fruition next Monday 16 June, as the Global Health and Humanitarianism course begins for the first time.Delivered via learning platform Coursera, the MOOC (massive open online course) will run for 6 weeks...
Findings and impressions from HCRI Cyprus fieldwork
Since 1974 the small Mediterranean island of Cyprus has been divided in two. Officially the whole island is considered part of the European Union, however aquis communitaire, the European Unions legislation, is suspended in the North, the Turkish Republic of Northern...
Latest GSDRC Report from Dr Emilie Combaz – Practical guidance to integrate gender into public financial management
Dr Emilie Combaz' latest GSDRC helpdesk report is now available to read online. In this helpdesk report, Dr Combaz explores the available practical guidance for integrating gender into public financial management. Read Practical guidance to integrate gender into...
New GSDRC report from Emilie Combaz – Political economy of Libya after the Qadhafi regime
Dr Emilie Combaz has completed a recent GSDRC helpdesk report, examining the political economy of Libya after the fall of the Qadhafi regime in 2011. These reports are free to read and we encourage people to circulate them widely. Dr Sandra Pogodda, HCRI Lecturer in...
Symposium: Missions and development, Lyon, 4 April 2014
Executive Director Professor Bertrand Taithe will be delivering a paper at the Missions and development symposiumm, that examines the role and the incentives for missionaries to take part in development policies. The symposium will take place in Lyon on 4 April 2014....
International Conference on Urban Health 2014 Day 3
Of refugees and post-earthquake responsesThe third part of the series Ambivalence in the city at the HCRI/GURC sub-conferences for the 11th International Conference on Urban Health continued with the session Urban humanitarianism III: Refugees, inequalities and...
International Conference on Urban Health 2014 Day 2
Asking the right questions: What kind of research will actively serve to improve urban health? This mornings opening plenary featured keynotes by Dr David Satterwaite (International Institute for the Environment and Development) and Professor Ana Diez Roux (Drexel...