Luke Georghiou: Keeping connected in Europe after the Brexit Deal
Uncertainty has been a running theme during the long-drawn-out process of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union. Initially this applied most forcefully to EU nationals worried about their future rights to study, live and work in this country (and vice-versa for their UK counterparts) but concerns also extended to whether we would be able to continue to take part in EU research and student mobility programmes and to wider issues around the potential impact of trade and regulatory change.
Andy Westwood: The Skills for Jobs white paper is what happens when policy is made in a vacuum
Originally posted on WONKHE on Monday, 25 January 2021We’ve been here before. But in skills policy we’ve been everywhere before. Putting employers at the heart of the system and committing to high quality education and training are not new. These have been objectives...
Karen Heaton: Flexible futures
This period of time has often been referred to as a ‘great homeworking experiment’. But when organisations normally adopt remote working they usually do so in a strategic way, with much planning and organising. Like all organisations the pandemic forced us to adopt remote working at speed and in difficult circumstances.
Gemma Dale: Wellbeing and the festive season
For some, the Christmas period will bring a welcome relief – reduced restrictions allowing family or friends to meet, or a chance to have a little fun and relaxation. For others this time will bring its own challenges. Much like the pandemic itself, our feelings and reactions to this particular holiday season will be unique and personal, and based on our own particular circumstances.
Stephanie Lee: Improving outcomes for talented students from all backgrounds during a pandemic
Global events have disproportionately impacted young people from widening participation backgrounds. But in the midst of all these challenges, our widening participation work has not only provided continued support, it’s also developed new and creative approaches that will take us into the future.
Patrick Hackett: A very different start to our academic year
Usually at this time of year our campus is buzzing with excitement and optimism as students from all over the world descend on Manchester, taking full advantage of the opportunities that our University and the wider city present. It’s also one of the busiest times for colleagues with all hands on deck to support our on-going research activities and to make sure our students feel welcome and help them adjust to their new life.
Danielle George: Blended and flexible learning
It is certainly an interesting time to start a role as Associate Vice-President (AVP) for Blended and Flexible Learning!
EDI Matters: Responding inclusively to transition and recovery
There is no doubt that we have all had to adapt to new ways of working, studying and living. However, what is also becoming clear is that for some people the associated health risks and negative impact of this pandemic have been greater and could potentially last much longer.
Colette Fagan and Chris Pressler: A position statement on Open Research
Fostering the conditions for more open forms of scholarship at our University is a priority in the Research and Discovery theme of the Our Future strategy.
Gemma Dale: What does wellbeing mean?
Wellbeing is a somewhat imprecise term, meaning different things to different people. Some perspectives focus on overall life satisfaction or the pursuit of happiness. There’s a wide range of perspectives, definitions and models available, but an agreed definition still eludes us.