Sherilyn MacGregor and Nafhesa Ali examine how achieving net-zero targets will benefit from the inclusion of racialized minority communities in policy debates.
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SCI PhD Alice Swift reports on a recent action by the German climate activist group ‘Ende Gelände’
Ende Gelände mobilised thousands in Germany in October, targeting both coal and gas and developing tactics to protect activists from coronavirus transmission.
Waste management and COVID-19 – What have we learnt so far?
Mariel Vilella discusses how COVID-19 has shaken up our waste management systems.
Food support provision in Covid-19 times: Preliminary results from a study based in GM
Filippo Oncini reflects on the results of a study aiming to understand the obstacles, needs and prospects of food support providers in Greater Manchester [1] after the Covid-19 peak.
It’s time to talk about a feminist green new deal
Sherilyn MacGregor and Maeve Cohen on ‘rainbow recovery’ and the need for a recalibration of the social and economic priorities.
COVID-19, ecological justice, and veganism
Hannah Battersby explores how the worldwide animal agriculture industry is a key driver of zoonotic disease, pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
Lockdown and eating out
Jennifer Whillans, Jessica Paddock, and Alan Warde reflect on the history and significance of dining out in the UK and argue against apocalyptic speculation about what might become the ‘new normal.’
Changing behaviours, transforming society
With the search for a COVID vaccine still ongoing to enable a safe way out of the pandemic, the debate about what comes after COVID is currently in full swing.
How coronavirus reveals our unbreakable bond with single use plastic
As coronavirus bears down on society, single-use plastic steps up in an unprecedented way.
Imagined futures of consumption: Lay expectations and speculations
Imagined futures of consumption have played a central role politically and economically since the end of the Second World War.