Introducing Dr Stephanie Snow: Academic Lead for Community Engagement and Involvement
Mairiosa Hall, is our guest author as part of her MSc student Science Communication course. In this final instalment of the blog series she talks to Dr Stephanie Snow who is featured in our Short Film: PPIE: Working With Our Communities. They discuss Stephanie’s...
Faculty hosts first online Public Contributor Induction
The Faculty’s Social Responsibility (SR) and Public Engagement (PE) Team recently hosted their fourth induction session for Public Contributors – members of the public involved and engaged with our research and teaching. Hosted by Dr Stephanie Snow, Academic Lead for...
Introducing Nick Weise: Lecturer and Deputy Director of Social Responsibility (School of Chemistry)
Mairiosa Hall, is our guest author as part of her MSc student Science Communication course. In this installment of her three blog series we hear from Dr Nick Weise, Lecturer and Deputy Director of Social Responsibility (School of Chemistry) and Public Engagement...
Introducing Lindsey Brown: Public Contributor
Mairiosa Hall, is our guest author as part of her MSc student Science Communication course. In this installment of her three blog series she talks to Lindsey Brown, one of the Faculty’s Public Contributors featured in our Short Film: PPIE: Working With Our...
Immunology and Covid-19: A student blog
Guest author MSc Science Communication student, Mairiosa Hall speaks to Sheena Cruikshank, Professor of Public Engagement & Biomedical Science to mark International Day of Immunology which this year focuses on the theme of Covid-19. What is ImmunologyImmunology is...
FBMH celebrates International Women’s Day
On Monday 8 March the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD), a global day recognising the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, through a series of events and campaigns.“It’s all in your head”: The...
PPIE Forum Update March 2021
The Faculty’s Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Forum recently held its third meeting of the academic year. The Forum plays an essential role in driving forward the Faculty’s PPIE Action Plan, an integral part of our Social Responsibility (SR)...
Celebrate Our Inspiring FBMH Women for International Women’s Day
8th March marks International Women’s Day (IWD), a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The work of the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health (FBMH) in this area supports the United Nation’s Sustainable...
Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases: Impact on People’s Working Life
Dr Suzanne Verstappen is a Reader in Musculoskeletal Epidemiology in the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Epidemiology, Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, School of Biological Sciences and Director of Social Responsibility in the School of Biological Sciences. Her...
Launch of the Faculty’s New PPIE Short Film ‘Working with our Communities’
We are delighted to launch the short film: ‘Working with our Communities’ which showcases the amazing Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) activities which take place across the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. The Faculty considers PPIE to be...