Luke Georghiou: Global Influence
To be recognised globally as one of the world’s most influential universities it is vital that we embrace internationalism.
Clive Agnew: Response to the Augar Review
The University of Manchester has many great assets: a fantastic location in a vibrant and forward-thinking city; an attractive and evolving campus; a cosmopolitan and lively student population; and dedicated staff who are world-leading experts.
Alessandro Schiesaro: Creativity@Manchester
Creativity is a defining feature of universities – it cuts across all fields and disciplines.
Patrick Hackett: Our University’s values
When we asked you for your Big Ideas as part of Our Future, one of the most popular themes you talked about was ‘how we do things’. You mentioned our processes and systems, but you also talked about our University’s culture and values.
Nancy Rothwell: Placing Manchester at the heart of our University
Over the past few months we have been talking to our staff, students, alumni and stakeholders about the purpose, ambition and vision for our University.
Patrick Hackett: Using your big ideas and developing our future approach
In my last message I promised to share my New Year Resolution with you. Rather boringly, I resolved to do more exercise. Let’s just say it hasn’t been a total success.
Patrick Hackett: Our University approach to change and looking forward
The first four months in my new role have been hectic with so much to take in and learn, not least finding my way around campus!
Steve Dauncy: Understanding our University’s financial position
We publish our University’s annual Financial Statements which give a detailed account of our University’s financial performance.
Nancy Rothwell: Demonstrating the value of our university
We are committed to being recognised globally for the excellence of our research; outstanding teaching, learning and student experience; and our social, economic and cultural impact.
Patrick Hackett: Towards Excellence
Do you ever ask yourself ‘Why do I work at The University of Manchester?’ At some point, every one of us has decided that this is where we want to be.