Institute of Teaching and Learning Fellows – the 2020/21 experience

by | Apr 30, 2021 | Institute Fellowships, Projects

Lisa McDonaghIn February 2020 we appointed a cohort of fantastic Institute of Teaching and Learning Fellows.  They brought with them projects which explored a range of aspects of teaching and learning, focusing on different ways in which we can support and enhance the learning experience for students and staff.  We were all set to hold a launch event on campus the following month when…well, we all know what happened next. One learning curve later and we were able to hold the launch session as our first Zoom event and our Fellows got started with their projects.   

Despite all the challenges of the last year the Fellows have shown fantastic commitment and resilience in continuing to pursue their Fellowship projects with the same passion and determination to effect positive change that made them such great candidates to begin with.  For some it was still possible to focus on their original topic and goals, and it was a case of adapting the strategy and methods by which they would pursue these (indeed, some found that their project had suddenly become incredibly topical!).  Others needed to adapt their original project idea in support of meaningful impact on the new teaching circumstances in which we all found ourselves.  Working in partnership with Student Partner Interns (SPIs), our Fellows have produced insight, guidance and resources that will help us to enhance practice in teaching and learning into the future, and have set a brilliant example for future cohorts of Institute Fellows and SPIs.   

As our inaugural Fellows reach the final stages of their projects, we’ll be bringing you their reflections on the experience of being a Fellow, the work they’ve been doing and their perspectives on teaching and learning practice as well as posts from the SPIs who’ve been essential to all of these projects.  The first of our Fellows’ posts will be coming next week, where Maria Canal will be talking about her work on the development of remote alternatives to laboratory practical classes.   


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We’d really like to hear your responses to the stories we feature – if you want to respond, please email the ITL team at, or the University’s Teaching and Learning Online Network (TALON) on Yammer is a great place for you to carry on the discussion of any practice you find really interesting.