Category: AI

Assessment and AI

Assessment and AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a distant science fiction concept but an emerging reality shaping various aspects of our lives. Current AI models, including large language models (LLMs), are restricted by biases and a lack of profound understanding: however,...

Can we spot GPT-written content?

Can we spot GPT-written content?

Cesare is a Teaching fellow soon to be lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.  Here, he outlines some common features of Large Language Model (LLM)-created writing with Esme Davies, Higher Education Intern in the...

AI Tools in Assessment: Should they be used?

AI Tools in Assessment: Should they be used?

Krishna is currently a postgraduate student of MA Digital Technologies, Communication, and Education at The University of Manchester. Her interests have been around education and technologies, especially how to enhance learning outcomes by incorporating...