An invitation to our Inclusive Education Workshops

by | Jun 15, 2021 | Inclusive teaching, Institute update

Join uFreddie Gents for a series of workshops run by leaders in the field of inclusive teaching practice. 

As teachers we have a commitment to equality of opportunity for our students, especially in facilitating their academic success. Our teaching should allow every student to flourish— where it doesn’t, is it truly inclusive? To enable all our students to achieve their potential, the Institute of Teaching and Learning, in collaboration with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Directorate, are running a series of Inclusive Education Workshops.  

At the heart of these workshops is the belief that every student deserves an equal opportunity to succeed during their time at the University of Manchester. What we teach and how we teach are essential components of our students’ learning experience, but inherent in these can be barriers to learning. As the sector awarding gap demonstrates, year-on-year certain student groups struggle to gain the award they are capable of and we must question whether our teaching practices are unintentionally contributing to this. Even the most successful teaching practice with a sustained track record of good outcomes can unintentionally hinder the progress of particular student groups.  

There are already some great initiatives within the University of Manchester that promote inclusive teaching and learning practices. In many departments last year, the awarding gap significantly reduced and work is ongoing to identify the contributing factors so as to carry this success into future years. Where exemplary practice already exists within the University, it is important that there is a platform to share this between Schools. Through these workshops, we want to bring together a diverse range of perspectives and experiences to share knowledge and define a vision of inclusive teaching for us to drive forward together. 

To achieve this, participants will need to critically reflect on their own teaching practice and begin to identify the areas in which they would appreciate extra support. From here, we can determine what resources and guidance would be helpful. Everybody will be at a different stage in their inclusive teaching journey and the only pre-requisite is that you want to progress your practice. 

Our invitation is an open one: any staff who support or are involved in the delivery of teaching at the University of Manchester are welcome. From academics to administrators, librarians to learning technologists, postgraduate students to Peer Support officers, we recognise the wide range of staff who shape our students’ learning experience and it is important that we learn from each other. We also strongly encourage students with an interest in this area to sign up and contribute to the discussion; this is an opportunity for staff and students to work together to instil positive and sustained change. 

The opening workshop of the series will explore inclusive practices within the Higher Education sector and beyond. In the three weeks that follow, colleagues who are leaders in the field of inclusive teaching will run lunchtime sessions on key themes such as assessment, curriculum and teaching practice. The workshops will conclude by bringing together everything that has been covered in the series and taking the first steps towards an inclusive education framework. You are invited to join as many or as few of the sessions as you like and we will be very grateful for your contribution in those that you are able to attend. 

Visit the Institute of Teaching and Learning Events page to book onto an Inclusive Education Workshop. 


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TEA is a place where we can share practice and experience around teaching and learning with colleagues, students and the wider public – how we Teach, Explore, Apply

We’d really like to hear your responses to the stories we feature – if you want to respond, please email the ITL team at, or the University’s Teaching and Learning Online Network (TALON) on Yammer is a great place for you to carry on the discussion of any practice you find really interesting.