How going to the gym changed my life
I always say that having balance in your life is key. However, “Do as I say, not as I do”. In other words, I hardly ever follow my own advice and this was a prime example. Some while ago, I realised that I was being extremely unproductive. I had no set routine and...

Navigating Diversity and Inclusion in the Wellness Industry
As with many others like myself, the on and off lockdowns combined with an isolating academic schedule has often left me feeling burnt-out. After an emotionally rocky 2020, I decided this year had to be different.The missing piece I had signed up to be a Wellbeing...

Sleeping Tips
Sleeping TipsRecently I've been thinking about how I incorporate the 6 ways (click here if you're unsure what I mean!) into my everyday life. I settled on Be healthy as a means of practising self-care to help with my mental health.In this article I want to include my...

Six Ways to Better Sleep
Did you know that sleep may actually impact your academic performance? Students who report sleeping enough each night achieve better grades at university (Gomes et al., 2011).We all know we need sleep. It is a powerful medicine which has been associated with; better...

Gratitude Letters: Improving your Wellbeing during COVID-19
What is gratitude? Expressing gratitude is one activity that allows you to take notice of your current thoughts and feelings and instantly boost your happiness and life satisfaction. This involves showing appreciation and thankfulness for someone or something, such as...

5 Things to do when you have nothing to do
Everyone is in a bit of a rut this winter, with everything closed and nothing to do. It is so important to keep life interesting, since it can easily become a monotonous routine. But what can you learn and discover in times like these? Here are some ideas of how to...

Exercise and Mental Health
The main way to wellbeing that I incorporated in my university life was “be active”. My friends know I regularly (at least try to) exercise and go running, especially with my mental health not exactly in pristine condition the past few years at university. I wasn’t a...

An easy way to be productive.
'As long as we’re finding our routines helpful and not harmful, and feel able to flex and change them as our life changes, they can be a great thing to build on and develop over time.’ For me wellbeing and good mental health depend massively on being productive. There...

Stop for a minute: Mindful Breathing
Stop for A Minute - Just Breathe. Being healthy is one of our six ways to wellbeing. Often when people are asked to list activities which can enhance their health, they say things like exercise, healthy eating, or getting enough sleep, etc. However, one...

The Closet: Looking after your Style and your Mind
Learn and Discover with The Closet Studying for your modules is often a good idea, but are you forgetting to take timefor the things you like to do? It’s good to take breaks and look after yourself fromtime-to-time. The University of Manchester promotes this through...
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